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Valentine Day Quotes

Valentine Day Quotes

Valentine Day Quotes : वर्ष का सबसे रोमांटिक और विशेष दिन, वेलेंटाइन डे, निकट है और हम में से अधिकांश ने सबसे प्रतीक्षित पूर्व संध्या की तैयारी शुरू कर दी है। हम सभी अपने साथी के चेहरे पर एक बड़ी मुस्कान देखना चाहते हैं, इसलिए हमारी योजना उन्हें खुश करने की है। इस वर्ष एक अद्वितीय और रचनात्मक शैली के साथ अपनी आत्मा को शुभकामनाएं दें और अपने चारों ओर की हवा को प्यार से भरें। नीचे सूचीबद्ध लव बर्ड्स के लिए वेलेंटाइन डे इच्छाओं का एक प्यारा संग्रह है।


Valentine Day Quotes


A valentine is a gift to the heart, 
a friend to the spirit, 
a golden thread to the meaning of life.
Happy Valentine Day..


My Dear Darling, 
my love for you is as deep as the sea and 
as high as the sky. 
Happy Valentine Day..


Love is like a cloud, love is like a dream,

love is one word and everything in between,

Love is a fairy tale come true, 

I found love when I found you.
Happy Valentine Day..


As busy as we might get, 
we must remind each other that 
we are still sweethearts and 
that will remain forever.

Happy Valentine Day..



You are one of the best thing that ever happened to me,

I feel so lucky to have you as my man.

Happy Valentine Day..


You're always in my thoughts, 

You're always in my dreams,

And so a life without you would, 

just tear away at the seams..

Happy Valentine Day..


Love is just too weak of a word, 

to express what I feel for you.

One life is just not enough to tell you, 

how madly in love I am with you.

Happy Valentine Day..


I will never get tired of loving you,

You are one of the blessings that I value the most.

Happy Valentine Day..


The day we met is a day, 

I will never ever forget.

I have never been so happy since the day I found you.

Happy Valentine Day..



On this special Valentine’s list, 

You’re at the top, my love.

I love you, and I know for sure, 

Our love will never end..

Happy Valentine Day..


May this Valentine’s Day be filled with love, 
Understanding and contentment as you, 
journey through life with those you hold dear.
Happy Valentine Day..


Valentine’s Day is a day of love, 

no one loves me more than you. 

You brighten up my each day and you deserve my undying love.

Will you Be my Valentine?


If you feel cold at night, 
let the promise of my love and hugs 
cover you up like a warm blanket. 
I love you so much my dear..

Happy Valentine Day..


The time I spend with you is so unique and special, 

you are my heartbeat and my life.

Thanks for being such a wonderful wife!

Happy Valentine Day..


After so many years of stay with each other

One thing that I understand is that I can't think of living without you!

Happy Valentine Day..


Valentine Day Quotes Reviewed by Today's Lovers on January 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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